How to Overcome Early Ejaculation DiniEjakulasi (ED) is one of the cases of the iceberg where only a few men who consulted a doctor to solve the problem because of embarrassment or lack confidence. ED occurs in 30% of men or in other words 1 of 3 men experience premature ejaculation. Any amount that is not including those who do not report these problems to a doctor for reasons above, which actually means still more men who suffer from premature ejaculation and not detected.
Early ejaculation definition based on the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV) means that repeated ejaculation or settle with minimal sexual stimulation before or shortly after penetration, and before the desired time. This condition is not affected by drugs and will lead to emotional and psychological disorders for both parties.
Most cases of premature ejaculation is not known why. The study mentions that psychological factors such as excessive anxiety, depression, stress, and guilt can lead to premature ejaculation. In some cases, health problems such as hormonal balance disorders, diabetes mellitus, neurological disorders and blood vessels is the primary cause of premature ejaculation.
Recent research states that premature ejaculation is genetically passed since the discovery of genes with a 5-HTTLPR is responsible for the number and activity of serotonin. Serotonin itself controls the ejaculation in men. In men with premature ejaculation, they were less active serotonin stimulates the brain's ability to control ejaculation.
In some cases, the ED will improve over time and with the completion of the man's emotional problems. Therapy treatment is only given if organic disorders or hormone balance is the cause.
Some tips that can be done to overcome premature ejaculation are:
1. Try to be more relaxed when intercourse. Avoid deadline condition or feeling 'must be done' when done. Take a deep breath or doing relaxation techniques first
2. Find a comfortable position. The position of 'woman on top' would be more comfortable for men
3. Do not use alcohol or illegal drugs when he will have intercourse
4. Practice Kegel exercises to help tighten the pelvic muscles and to control premature ejaculation
5. Several types of therapy can be given to those with premature ejaculation:
* Sexual Therapy
Sexual therapy in this case is the practice to control premature ejaculation with masturbation. With the appropriate masturbation techniques, not too hasty, sensitivity and response to a sexual stimulation can be controlled. Masturbating 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse can delay ejaculation.
* Drug therapy
Antidepressant drugs and topical anesthesia (topical) can also be used in this situation. However, treatment with medications should be discussed with your doctor first
* Psychotherapy
Like psychotherapy for other problems, psychotherapy in this case aims to reduce anxiety and stress that can affect sexual relationships
It must be understood that in addition to some tips above, brain health is very important in the case of premature ejaculation. Unhealthy brain cells may disrupt hormones that reduce libido and sexual desire someone. Brain health is the most important, apart from mental and physical health that also must be maintained. In addition to maintaining brain health, mental, and physical, do not forget the needs of communication for couples.
Communication in this regard include the least satisfied sexual relationship between couples is, what is wanted or not, or even things outside of sexual relationships. Communication is the bridge between the orphan and is quite effective drug for men with premature ejaculation.
How to Overcome Early Ejaculation

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